Adelaide University German Club
Club Background
Club Background
Committee 2004
Wild! Magazine
Bulletin Board
Club Pics 2003
Club Pics 2004
Related Links
Contact Us

Our Aims

The Adelaide University German Club aims to promote german culture in South Australia.  We celebrate its language, food and drink - particularly the fine beer!  There is no requirement to be studying German, or to be of German heritage, just to have a good time with great people.

The AUGC has a great tradition of hosting some of the best events in the Uni Year.  We are strictly listed as a "Cultural Club" but most members feel we are more aptly described as a social club, since we are so very social!

We meet at Kaffeeklatsch once a week to say "hi" and really, that's about it.  There is free coffee and cake for all, and a chance to get involved in Club Events. Not everyone knows each other, and if you don't rock along and give it a shot, how do you expect to get to know us? Held at 1pm on Thursdays, in the WP Rogers Room, Union Building.

In order to help those studying German, we will be holding a German Speaking Hour once a week throughout the year.  This tradition had sadly lapsed in recent times, but returned in full swing in 2003.  Email the club to find out more details about where and when - and for those of you who can't make Kaffeeklatsch every Thursday, it's a great time to catch up with the Club and what's been happening.

History of Our Club

Our Club was founded in 1953, making it one of the oldest clubs on campus!  But age isn't everything.  Our events are some of the most popular and well-attended on campus.

Throughout the year we hold our Not-The Oktoberfest, Cabaret, Annual Play and Trivia Night.  Not-The-Oktoberfest suffered a small hiatus a few years back, but was resurrected in 2000 and is now back in full swing.

In the past few years, we have performed a number of different plays, ranging from comedy to more serious pieces.  The cabaret will be re-introduced in a new format this year, by virtue of some hard working Committee members keen to try something different.

Our award winning Trivia Night will be run again this year jointly with the French Club, and possibly an amalgamation with the Spanish Club too - but we can promise this isn't becoming the EU!  For more info, check out the links above.

Our Committee

The Committee are a dedicated bunch of people who get together on a monthly basis to organise Club Events, talk about how the Club is being run, and try to make it better for the members!

If you think you can make a contribution, or would just like to know what it would take to get involved, then please drop us an email.

Here is the Committee 2004:

President: Cris Barbulescu
Secretary: Sarah Swift
Treasurer: Adrian Jones
Wild! Editor: Beth Nosworthy
Publicity: N/A
First Year Rep: Ivan Brichner
General Committee: Sylvia Toelken
For more information on the Committee, their roles and who we are, check out the Committee 2004 page.
If you'd like more information after reading that page, contact us and ask away!

Committee 2003 with the CA Awards won by the AUGC